NBA Lockout 2011


During my internship at The Onion, I saw and heard many crazy stories in and out of media, one of which was the infamous NBA Lockout of 2011: 161 days of NO BASKETBALL because of a lack of agreement on a luxury tax and a salary cap.

SO, why not use this as a headline for a great, informative, and ridiculously funny headline for America’s Finest News Source?

As one of the design interns, I was tasked with handling the design of a new NBA logo to reflect the lockout. This was probably one of the more fun designs I was asked to come up with and I was quite proud of it. The graphics editors were smitten and we were prepared to send everything to print, according to the writing staff.

The day before we were going to press, however, December 8, 2011, the lockdown ended, thus making our headline null and void. We had to pull the headline from the paper and quickly replace it with something else. My logo never got printed in the weekly edition, but was published and archived with the article on The Onion’s website. You can read it here.